Area: 3 acres
Three wishes guided this design: bring the featureless plot to life with gentle delineation of space; enhance views; and make 3 acres manageable by the clients in a few weekend hours. The answer was simplicity - and trees. 80 were chosen for the diversity of wildlife they would support, seasonal colour and form. Delicate Prunus yedoensis blossoms pale pink around the house in spring. Summer is shades of green allowing the views to dominate. Autumn glows with Nyssa, Liquidambar, Gingko, purple beech and cherries; and low winter sun highlights the bare orange stems of Tilia cordata 'Winter Orange'.
The plan above shows how the structure of the space will emerge over time, curving grass paths, woodland walks and clearings taking shape as the trees grow. A raised stopping point enhances the impact of an oak framed view across the valley (photo below). Another oak is at the centre of a newly formed glade, its swing seat a a welcome surprise. In the Swedish style, inspired by the house, fruit trees are mingled with ornamental woodland. The paths eventually lead to a circle of hawthorn towards the back of the garden, scarlet blossomed in May, where a small arbour is planned with wood burner, chair and writing table, private yet connected to the house by glimpses back through the trees: a room of one's own.